Marshmallow Root Powder
Moon Ruled Herb
Hydrates the Body 💦
At one time marshmallow was used to make the classic confection of the same name, although today the foodstuff is largely composed of corn syrup and gelatin. In France, however, traditional confectioners still use marshmallow root to make a fluffy paste called Pâét‚ de Guimauve, which is rolled into long lanyards or ropes and cut into shapes.
The flowers are added to salads or fried like fritters. An extract made from the root of the plant is an ingredient in the Middle Eastern sweet treat known as halva.
Powdered marshmallow root may be added directly to foods as a thickening agent. It may also be applied to the skin as a moist poultice, or infused in oil to produce soaps, lotions and other skin care products.
Infuse in oil to make various skin care products, including soaps, ointments and creams.