Black Walnut Powder
Ground black walnut hulls are used to produce a natural rinse to darken hair. The powdered hulls are also added to scrubs and powders (for color).
Cleanses out Parasites.
May be used to make orange-brown dyes for wool and other textiles.
Black walnut hulls have several commercial applications in the automobile and other industries. The powdered hulls are also used in the food industry as coloring agents
Contains juglone (5-hydroxy-alphanapthaquinone), which can be toxic to fish and horses.
Black walnut hulls are also used in several industries. During World War I, they were used like sand blast to clean airplane pistons. The hulls are still used today as a filler in dynamite, as a non-slip agent in tires, and as an additive in products used to clean jet engines. The crushed shells are also found in paint strippers and in certain insecticides.